night I slept long and well. Eight and a half hours of rest, laced with an
interesting dream or two. I awoke to the patter of rain on the bedroom windows
and stretched lazily in a winter nest of flannel and down. I marveled at my long sleep and assured
myself it was good for my health.
yet, the sense of luxury that warmed my waking thoughts was quickly chilled by
a shadow of guilt. Unbidden, an inventory of concerns scrolled through my mind:
Was this long, indulgent sleep a warning sign of winter depression? A dangerous
dalliance with sloth? Am I growing lazy, or bored, or irresponsible? In an instant, my mind transformed a
luxury into a potential problem.
Give the Early Bird a Break
after two mugs of Irish breakfast tea and a bowl of oatmeal, here I am, awake,
alert, and full of words. Isn’t this what I want every day? I’m thinking the
problem may not be too much sleep, but too much history. Residual expectations,
shaped by the past demands of a buzzing alarm clock still color my response to
mornings. I’m pursued by the shadows of personal history that shaped my image
of a successful, productive life. It’s an image that holds little tolerance for
lolling late in bed.
The pattern started early, with the schedules of schooling, student jobs, newspaper
deadlines. Even later, when my work hours were set by personal goals and
deadlines, rather than a newspaper job, I maintained a firm schedule of
exercise and writing. Nine to noon at the desk, every day.
winter, without a book project on my desk, I find myself able to flirt with the
freedom of natural rhythms. It isn’t as easy as it seems. Old patterns whip
me with a backlash of doubt on mornings of late risings or aimless
puttering. But today, the whip has
roused a feisty spirit. “Loosen up,” it chortles with rebellious glee. “Give
me a break, okay? I’m happy, rested, and dancing with the muse. Isn't this what I want from life? If this is
sloth, give me more of the same.”
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